+381 64 64 9000 9 office@blueuniverse.rs


The professional team of translators/interpreters, certified court translators and proofreaders in our agency will ensure that you obtain high-quality general, professional and business translations from and into Dutch, including translations from other foreign languages into Dutch and vice versa. All our translators are experienced professionals who will make sure that your translation is authentic and, of course, accurate in terms of grammar, spelling and style. Dutch is a native language for about 22 million people, 16 million of which live in the Netherlands and about oko 6 million in Flanders, a region in Belgium. It is interesting to mention that 87 percent of Dutch people speak English as a second language, and even 66 percent of the population speaks German. The Dutch like learning languages. Therefore, in addition to these languages, French language is taught in Dutch schools.

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+381 64 64 9000 9
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+381 64 64 9000 9
+381 64 64 9000 9
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