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Proofreading and editing


Proofreading and editing are mandatory for all kinds of materials intended for publication, business and official communication. Of course, if you want to be considered professional and be taken seriously. Our experts, with vast experience and excellent knowledge of grammar, spelling and language standards perform proofreading and editing for all types of texts in majority of world languages. They provide high-quality services at affordable prices while meeting deadlines.

Say goodbye to grammar mistakes

To perfect any text it is necessary for it to be subject to proofreading and editing. What is the difference between proofreading and editing a text?

Simply put, proofreading is the process of correcting grammar and spelling mistakes, whereas editing refers to the correction of technical mistakes in the text. In addition to paying attention to grammar, a proofreader deals with stylistic inconsistencies and corrects accidental typos occurring due to speed or neglect.

Back in the days, when texts were not typed, and when employees arranged letters in a printing shop manually, typos were much commoner. A proofreader was responsible for correcting already printed text. Nowadays, a text is proofread before printing, thus making proofreading and editing become one. When you submit a text to proofreading, it means that all random typos will also be corrected.

Blue Universe translation agency provides proofreading and editing services in nearly 135 major and lesser-known languages, including Serbian. Our experienced linguists proofread all kinds of texts intended for various purposes – literature, scientific and professional papers, documentation, online publications, brochures, marketing texts…

We will help you express yourself in an impeccable manner in terms of style and grammar, while meeting preset deadlines.

Our strongest weapon are grammar and spelling

Scientific research shows that it is very difficult to correct a text that we write ourselves. First, you are looking for a mistake, and when you find it you are not most certain what is the proper way of correcting it. Skimming through grammar books and spell checks follow, which is even more confusing. At that point, you are already aggravated and tired, so you will not be able to recognize the mistake even if it pops out of the screen or a piece of paper. No matter how hard you try, there is a strong possibility that some letters will be omitted or that some extra letters will remain in the text. After all, it is not very wise to be remembered as someone who probably did not pay much attention in grammar classes.

Most of us are familiar with this scenario.

That is why it is best to let experienced proofreaders and editors handle this matter. They will pay attention not only to morphology and syntax, but also to the choice of words. They will work on improving the style, clarity and legibility of the text. Being an objective reader, a proofreader also notices and understands vague meanings and thoughts present in your text by mistake.

Everyone in our team does what they know best and what they enjoy most. Therefore, we entrust proofreading of specialized texts exclusively to translators with specific knowledge of the particular field and corresponding terminology. In addition, they adapt the text to cultural and business contexts such texts will be used in.

What are the benefits of hiring our proofreaders and editors?

Most importantly, you get an impeccable text in terms of grammar, style and spelling, as well as:

  • • Qualified team of experts for a variety of foreign languages, who are always available
  • • Meeting agreed deadlines
  • • Excellent price/quality ratio>
  • • Special benefits and discounts for long-term cooperation
  • • Urgent proofreading and editing services, provided in the shortest period of time possible
  • • FREE-OF-CHARGE proofreading and editing for all texts translated by our agency 

The price for proofreading and editing texts depends on the number of pages, the complexity of the relevant topic, urgency, language of the original text, as well as specific requirements of the client.

Call us or write us an e-mail, send us a text for a preliminary estimate or schedule free-of-charge and non-binding consultations.

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